Reminiscent of the adage “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, comes this tale of a new deck replacement in the charming confines of the historic district of Macon in Central Georgia.
Having served its originally intended purpose for more than 20 years, this revered wooden deck needed to be replaced for a multitude of reasons: among them structural integrity, the appearance, and outdated access functionality.
The challenge was that working in the Historic District of Macon meant that any remodels have to abide by certain criteria. On this deck update replacement and upgrade project, we were able to rebuild and improve upon the deck. But – and it’s a big but – we could not amend the design in such a way that it would be visible from the street.
So, we made minimal design changes that would stay within those guidelines but still deliver a magnificent outdoor structure that would function well, look great, and stand the test of time.
The Beauty And Durability Of Real Wood Cannot Be Denied
Emulating the structural design bones of its predecessor, this new multi-level backyard deck replacement was meticulously crafted out of premium pressure-treated pine.
With our credo of better building by design, and adhering to the strictest construction principles there are, we made doubly sure that the substructure was built extremely strong and brought the deck up to all the current codes.
Creating Better Access With This Next Generation Of Wood Decking
When compared to the Before images, you can see our team redesigned the stair area. Where there was one staircase, we modified the design to now include a landing with staircases flanking both left and right – a minimal visible change but a strategically sound one.
For greater aesthetic appeal with its resulting shadow patterns cast from the sun – and adding the function of partial shade – we also added the charming pressure-treated pine pergola overhead.
Staying true to the homeowner’s wishes, the entire project was built using pressure-treated pine.
Speaking of better access, a measure of privacy and protection was included in the redesign with the addition of two gates – one at each stairway base at ground level.
What’s In Your Outdoor Living Future For A Backyard Improvement?
As we all seem to be spending more quality time outdoors, adding quality structures to support and enhance your outdoor living may well be in order.
To help navigate you toward what spaces may best fulfill that need, please feel free to connect with us for a complimentary design consultation. You can do that right here.